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Keeping it Real: Achieving Authenticity in B2B Video Marketing

B2B video marketing is big business right now, from brands like Shopify taking over TikTok to Slack’s quirky YouTube ads. What do the most successful video campaigns have in common? They all focus on authenticity — a genuine representation of what to expect when you partner with that brand.

B2B buyers have become more engaged with authentic content that carries a “what you see is what you get” vibe. Tech startups can leverage that by ensuring that their brand voice is consistent, matches company values, and weaves through every piece of video content.

What is Authenticity?

Authenticity means you’re speaking with your own voice — not a pale imitation of someone else’s. Forbes Council recently called 2024 the “year of authenticity” and pointed out that without creating authentic connections, new marketing content is merely “adding to the noise” rather than enhancing what’s available for B2B decision-makers.

The current focus on AI and machine learning can lead marketers to forget one crucial aspect of marketing: creating connections that matter. With tons of AI-generated content flooding the internet, B2B brands that stand out are ones with personality that add genuine value via videos that educate, entertain, or provide insights they can’t get anywhere else.

Why Authenticity Matters

Creating authentic connections with leads and buyers makes sense for a number of reasons:

  • Build trust — when you carry a consistent brand voice that reflects your values as a company, you build trust with your target audience.

  • Increase engagement — 86% of buyers crave authenticity, so expect your audience to grow when you create authentic content.

  • Gather data — as we approach the death of third-party data, you’re more likely to gain useful first-party data from leads who trust and admire your brand.

  • Stand out — no one else has your voice so use that to your advantage.

When you infuse your videos with personality and character that reflects your brand, you’re more likely to attract viewers who share your values, passions, and goals. Authenticity can be the first step toward building a meaningful B2B community that drives engagement with your tech offering. [opportunity to link to B2B community piece]

Ways to Make B2B Video Marketing More Authentic

Use these quick tips to embrace authenticity and grow your video audience:

  • Record off-the-cuff content — forget filters and slick editing, because barely anyone cares how polished your videos are.

  • Nail your brand voice — keep messaging consistent across all communications for an authentic voice that represents your firm and your values.

  • Focus on people — get your founders on camera and speak to members of the team from all levels to further humanize your startup.

  • Be a micro-specialist — leverage microtargeting techniques to find under-utilized niches within your industry and become the “go-to” expert for increased engagement.

Use AI-powered tools to analyze the performance of your videos and help you build on your success. It might sound like an oxymoron, but authentic human connection is easier when you have the right digital tools at your fingertips.

Final Word

It’s really critical that you understand your brand voice and use it throughout your content, video and otherwise. If you don’t have a documented brand messaging framework, book a 15-minute discovery call with Arch Collective and let us help you achieve genuine authenticity.

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