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B2B Marketing Trends for 2022 and Beyond

B2B marketers have got more tools than ever at their disposal, especially as we move deeper into the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. The concept that digitalization is fundamentally changing the way we do business has been broadly accepted across most industries, and it’s transforming the way companies engage with buyers, partners, stakeholders, and even investors. Arch Collective has picked out four B2B marketing trends gathering pace in 2022 — keep an eye on these as we move into 2023 and beyond.

1. Brain Engine Optimization

SEO or search engine optimization has been the core tenet of content creation for a long time. It involves a variety of methods, including keyword placement, answering questions, and being seen as relevant by Google’s (and other search engines') ever-evolving algorithms. Advanced marketing thought-leader Professor Jenni Romaniuk believes that B2B marketers can replace SEO with BEO — brain engine optimization. This works around the premise that business buyers are using their own brains and experience more than they are the recommendations from Google. While searching for business products, they’ll tend to let their own bias sway them, rather than mindlessly agreeing with the order a search engine displays results in. Romaniuk says that by connecting brands to keywords, or category entry points (CEPs) that business decision makers focus on, marketers can engage buyers faster and more organically.

Put more simply, excellent marketers can link brand messages to existing and potential buying scenarios by providing cues that prompt memories associated with similar situations. Early research suggests that investing in BEO and CEPs could boost both acquisition and retention.

2. Hybrid Events Are Here to Stay

The pandemic saw a surge in virtual and hybrid events for obvious reasons. You might think that these would have dropped off in recent months, but the opposite is true. B2B marketing professionals have learned that digital and hybrid events have the potential to engage so many more people, from potential partners to buyers. A hybrid event means one that’s partially in-person and partially online. These events give participants the choice of how to attend, plus they make businesses infinitely more accessible to those with disabilities, mobility issues, neurodivergencies, mental health issues, and those simply kept away by distance.

Statistics from Vimeo show that 72% of marketing professionals expect to attend the same number of digital events, perhaps more, even as face-to-face events open up again. It makes sense, as businesses can create partnerships, network, and present their offerings to an even wider audience — a surefire way to gain the attention of potential investors.

3. The Metaverse as a Marketing Opportunity

The metaverse is far from the cohesive, virtual landscape certain large social media moguls might have you believe. Currently, it’s more a collection of disparate online experiences, some of which are incredibly popular and some of which are already changing the way people buy and experience brands and businesses. Unilever recently created an online marathon accessible to all, while Nike has sold digital sneakers for a startling $8,000. As the metaverse expands and inevitably becomes more connected, will these opportunities open up for B2B marketers too?

Possibly. B2B marketing professionals should keep an open mind and accept that the metaverse could be a way to connect to a larger audience than ever before. For tech startups, the virtual landscape could hold unprecedented opportunities to showcase products to potential investors and even create virtual tours of how their products or services are created from conception to user interaction. The metaverse could potentially present a whole new way to do business.

4. AI and Machine Learning

Tech startups, in particular, know that taking advantage of emerging technologies is a great way to hit the floor running when it comes to progress. That’s why so many B2B marketing teams are leveraging AI and machine learning to sift customer data and hone their campaigns more finely than ever. With the right data, AI can create fully personalized and bespoke emails and messages, making businesses accessible 24/7 and creating deeper business partnerships based on effective communication. Machine learning can recognize patterns and learn about your target demographics, allowing you to promote the right products to the right businesses and empowering marketers to engage in more effective channel segmentation. Expect more AI-powered tools to become available to marketers in the coming months.

Final Word

Arch Collective can provide you with the right marketing executive to get your tech startup off the ground and flying high. If you want to find out more about getting your exciting venture out to the right people, book a 15-minute introductory call with our tech-focused marketing team, who will connect you to the right freelancer for your proposition.

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