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B2B Video Marketing in 2022: A Rising Trend

Reels. TikTok. YouTube. There are more platforms available than ever for video marketers to exploit, and the rise of video marketing is no longer confined to B2C vendors. B2B video marketing is now big business, helping boost user understanding of tech products and increasing lead generation and sales. Let’s take a look at why video is such a great marketing tool for tech companies and how to get the best out of your video assets.

General Video Marketing Statistics

To understand why B2B marketers are utilizing video more than ever, it’s useful to gain some insights into how the general population consumes video content:

  • 78% of people watch some video content every week, with 55% of these watching every day

  • 54% of video viewers want more content from brands and businesses they engage with

  • 84% of online consumers buy products after watching a branded video

  • 86% of businesses are already using video as a marketing tool, with 87% of B2B marketers agreeing an effective video marketing strategy improves ROI

  • Viewers may retain 95% of a company message from a video as opposed to only 10% when reading text

Back in 2015 to 2017, there was somewhat of a kneejerk reaction to the “pivot to video” marketing shift that saw many big businesses suddenly investing in video content above all else. While written content such as articles, blog posts, and emails are still prevalent, video content is very much here to stay. It’s easier to digest, people love to see products or services in use, and it gives businesses a human face. B2B marketers can take advantage of this for brand engagement, guiding potential prospects through a customer journey, or even attracting top talent.

How B2B Marketers Use Video

Watch YouTube any day of the week and you’ll be bombarded with ads for both B2C and B2B businesses. Two big recent campaigns include Asana and Monday, both productivity tools for businesses with bright, colorful imagery and screenshots of their tools in use by a diverse range of people. Asana goes beyond the video ads by hosting various "explainer” videos on its resource pages. These range from intros to the tool to teaching businesses how they can embed their own videos into the platform.

Other types of successful business videos include “Meet the Founders” style content, putting a human face onto the people behind your tech startup. This gives you an opportunity to explain your drive and inspiration, talk about your values and vision, or get excited about the things that matter to you.

As your company expands, you could also have employee highlight videos. A valued team member could talk about why they love working for you, how your organization aligns with their values, or even work they’ve done in the local community that links back to your business. This is a great way to build your brand reputation and also attract future talent when it comes time to recruit again.

Top Tips for B2B Video Marketing

For all content marketing, you should ensure that your offerings align with your messaging framework. Keep your logos and taglines consistent, and consider linking back to other content. For example, you can publish a blog post about the best ways to use your platform or app, then link to a brief explainer video and vice versa. Here are some more tips for a successful B2B video marketing strategy:

  •          Keep videos short when possible — 60% of viewers stop watching after two minutes

  •          Gather data on what videos gain the most hits and shares and use this to replicate and build on successes

  •          Focus on educational content such as product explainers, demos, “how to” videos, or behind-the-scenes content about your organization

  •          Transform earned media such as testimonials into video content

Final Word

Videos are an accessible medium. They can have subtitles, audio descriptions for purely visual sections, and even sign language interpretation. They're often more digestible for those with dyslexia or other processing difficulties, which opens up your tech offerings to more potential users while positioning you as an inclusive, accessible organization.

Work with a marketing expert to create videos that grab the attention of decision-makers or investors, so your organization can ride the rising wave of the video marketing trend that’s sure to continue into 2023 and beyond.

Book a 15-minute introductory call with our team who can connect you to the right marketing freelancer for your requirements. And don’t forget to subscribe to the Arch Collective YouTube channel and see video strategy in action!

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