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Four Tips for Creating a Super Marketing Team

It’s another in our fourth-birthday series of celebratory blogs, and this time we’re looking at building the best marketing team. Overhiring is always a potential pitfall, but so is failing to onboard marketing experts to manage early-stage growth. Utilizing these four tips can help you create a marketing team that understands your industry and keeps your target audience at the heart of everything they do.

1. Quality over Quantity

You want to invest in the best, so don’t bother hiring the rest. Twenty mediocre marketers are no replacement for one seasoned expert. There are over 40,000 marketing roles available at any one time in the United States, so craft your job descriptions to attract top talent.

2. Invest in a Marketing Leader

Marketing professionals bring plenty of exciting ideas to the table, but you need an executive-level leader to bring those ideas together and formulate a workable strategy. Chief marketing officers (CMOs) combine the science of data-driven marketing with the art of understanding customer needs and championing client experiences. If your tech startup doesn’t have the budget for a full-time hire of a CMO, consider investing in a fractional CMO.

3. Match Marketers to Your Overall Strategy

You must create an overarching marketing strategy in order to know the type of marketers you want to hire—that’s where your CMO comes in! A thorough, documented strategy can determine what expertise you need from your new marketers and how to position roles on recruitment sites.

4. Look for Attitudes that Align with Yours

Look for cover letters and interviews where the candidates highlight experience they have with similar tech, your target audience, or channels you're interested in exploiting. But beyond this, take a view of their energy and attitude and check that their values align with your corporate values. This can be a way to ensure long-term hires that are a great investment for your company's future.

Final Word

Our final word on marketing recruitment: Be inclusive. Embrace diversity. The more different voices you have at your table, the more opportunities you have to reach a broader audience. For more support with startup marketing, book a 15-minute introductory call with Arch Collective and find out about our marketing audit, brand messaging services, and more.

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