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Digital And Product Marketers—A Match Made In Heaven

Different types of marketers might have very different end goals or visions, but their techniques and strategies often overlap in ways that can complement each other. Digital marketers and product marketers are great examples of this. Combining the power to attract leads with the insights that come from monitoring the whole customer journey could help tech startups build better brands.

What Is A Digital Marketer?

Digital marketers tend to focus on lead generation via a multitude of online channels. Tech startups benefit from an omnichannel marketing strategy, focusing on platforms that market research shows their ideal customers engage with. They’ll engage in social listening, content creation, direct mail, and the monitoring of the effectiveness of every campaign and channel.

What Is A Product Marketer?

Product marketing differs from digital marketing in that it considers the entire customer journey as well as the growth or expansion of your tech products and services. Lina Kamuz, a Senior Product Manager from Berlin, states that the key difference between digital and product marketing is that product marketing follows the AARRR funnel:

  •          Acquisition

  •          Activation

  •          Retention

  •          Referral

  •          Revenue

Generally, digital marketing is most closely linked to acquisition, although great campaigns that increase brand awareness organically boost retention, referral, and revenue as well. Product marketers will work closely with the product development team, sales reps, and other team members to ensure the least amount of friction in the sales and retention process.

Combining Digital and Product Marketing

It makes sense that for entirely digital products, such as apps, banking services, insurance platforms, and proptech solutions, the worlds of digital and product marketing are never that far apart. In fact, if you have separate digital and product marketers, you’ll probably find that they collaborate a lot more than those who work solely on physical or non-tech-related products.

Product marketers bring a holistic approach to marketing, looking outside solely digital channels to get an overview of brand power and market impact. Digital marketers can often provide very granular data on how particular campaigns are performing in terms of lead generation. Bringing these two outlooks together could, potentially, create powerful marketing strategies that drive faster yet more sustainable growth and get more investors interested in your tech startup.

Final Word

Do you have separate digital and product marketing teams? Or do you need marketing expertise to bring all your strategies in line with your overall company vision? Book your 15-minute introductory call and tell us what you’d change about marketing your tech offering. We can help!

Wondering how effective your marketing and content strategies really are? Book a Marketing Audit with us.