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Revenge of the Vid: The Return of Long-Form Video Content

Short-form video is often cited as the pinnacle of content marketing, appealing to shrinking attention spans and cramming key messages into minute-long explainers. However, while short videos are undoubtedly excellent marketing tools, some business buyers are looking for something they can sink their teeth into.

Longer videos give B2B marketers the chance to expand on relevant topics and position their firms as authorities in their field.

The State of Video: Some Compelling Stats

At least 85% of marketers say that video is an integral aspect of their overall strategy. Considering that in 2023, 3.48 billion people were watching videos online, there’s a huge audience out there for you to leverage.

B2B marketing professionals report that utilizing video can enhance business growth by up to 49%. Plus, video content increases engagement by 1200% when compared to text-only content.

The popularity of short-form video isn’t waning but is being joined by increasing volumes of longer videos. That’s the reason TikTok has increased its video length limit to 30 minutes, to encourage both viewers and creators of long-form video content to use the platform.

Types of Long-Form Video Content B2B Buyers Love

So, what type of long-form video content do B2B decision-makers look for?

  • Webinars — recording a webinar is a great way to provide your audience with relevant, valuable content.

  • Explainers — take the time to do a “deep dive” into a product or service you offer.

  • Podcasts — video podcasts are a rising trend, with over 50,000 hosts adding a camera to their standard podcast recordings.

  • Thought leadership content — think new insights on industry topics, values-based content, and socioeconomic topics including sustainability and inclusivity.

Any time you create a short video and think, “I had way more to say on that topic,” consider making a longer video on the same topic. Your audience will appreciate you creating that resource because if you find that subject interesting, you can bet that plenty of other B2B professionals will also find it intriguing.

What Can You Expect from Investing in Long-Form Video?

Increased engagement is the number one desired outcome of sharing longer videos. You can boost that engagement further by responding to comments and starting a discussion. Share your videos across your other online channels, including within your B2B communities.

You can also use a single, long-form video for a range of B2B marketing purposes. Take snippets and use them to create shorter videos. Use insights from talks or webinars to make shareable infographics or even create a series of blogs.  

A single, long video can fuel your content marketing strategy for weeks when used correctly.

Final Word

Video may have killed the radio star, but TikTok won’t necessarily kill the YouTube star. Make sure you understand whether short- or long-form content is the best for your tech offering and how to utilize both for the best effect. Book your free 15-minute introductory call, tell us about your tech startup, and let’s see how we can help you grow.

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