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I Shouldn't Be Allowed to Show You THIS (Startup Cheat Code!)

How can we tell you these marketing hacks that can take your tech startup to the next level? The truth is, we love to see ambitious young companies thriving and growing. Here are our three startup cheat codes to help you level up fast.

Niche Down

Focus, focus, focus! The more niche your tech offering and the more focused you are in your attempts to market it, the better your campaign outputs will be. More efficient marketing efforts mean more dollars to spend elsewhere. Always gather and analyze your data so you can assess what works and make your next campaign even better. When you’ve mastered one niche, then and only then is it time to branch out and explore expansion into adjacent markets.

Get Obsessed with Your Target Audience

Obsession isn’t always a bad thing. When you hyperfocus on your target audience, you get to really understand their needs, their pain points, and what problems your app or service is fixing for them. The better you know your audience, the more impactful your marketing will become.

Conduct VOC Calls

VOC stands for Voice Of Client and it’s one of the most powerful tools in your marketing toolbox. Clients who have tried a trial of your product, used it for years, or recently canceled can all provide vital insights into what you’re doing right and what needs to change. The more you speak to clients and gain insights and feedback, the more you understand your target audience and the more focused you can make your tech solutions.

Despite these benefits,, an astonishing 42% of businesses don’t gain any feedback from customers. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake!

Final Word

Finding your niche isn’t difficult when you get obsessed with the people who need your services and really speak to them about what matters in their daily business life. 53% of B2B buyers look for vendor reputation as a guide to whether they use a product or not, so make your brand more relatable by being approachable, setting up regular VOC calls, and investing in focused marketing efforts. If you need help finding your niche, book your  15-minute introductory call with a member of the Arch Collective team and find out how we can further your startup's growth trajectory.

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