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Traditional Marketing Methods You Don’t Want to Ignore

We talk a lot about MarTech (marketing technology) and digital channels on this blog, but do traditional marketing methods still have their merits for B2B organizations? Many business buyers still consume non-digital media, so exploiting those channels could help startups expand their reach more rapidly.

TV/Video Commercials

Recent figures indicate that 87% of homes now have a connected or smart TV. While streaming services are gradually overtaking the popularity of conventional TV channels, there are still plenty of opportunities for B2B or B2B2C businesses to build brand awareness via TV commercials.

TV commercials offer the benefit of a largely captive audience—you can’t skip a TV ad!—and the trust associated with mainstream TV advertising. However, primetime TV slots are expensive. To get a mainstream TV channel to show 30 seconds of commercial, a company may have to pay over $100,000. For tech startups with limited marketing budgets, this could be a poor investment unless you have data that clearly shows you’re reaching a highly specific audience with this budget.

As a digital-only alternative, YouTube adverts range from 1-3 cents per view, so the average cost of getting your advert in front of 100,000 viewers is around $2000. This is much more affordable and there are multiple types of digital advertising you can invest in.

Radio Commercials

Video did not kill the radio star, as it turns out. There are over 15,000 radio stations in the United States, and 82% of adults—including B2B buyers—listen to some radio every week, according to Statista. This positions radio advertising as a great way to target potentially very niche target audiences. If you can position ads during shows that relate to your industry in some way, even better.

Radio advertising slots can cost anything between $5 and $10,000, so some research is necessary here to make the most of your budget. A key benefit of radio commercials is that you can catch B2B buyers while they are at work or commuting, so they’re in the right frame of mind to hear your message.

Printed Material

Going out and meeting clients and potential leads face-to-face is more productive when you can leave them with a physical reminder of your brand. Flyers, brochures, and catalogs can increase your brand visibility and cement your startup as highly professional. Prices vary here, but make sure your branding is on point, and consider hiring a professional design team for the biggest impact.

Final Word

Your marketing experts should understand the benefits of all types of marketing, from traditional, time-honored methods to the latest in AI-based developments. If you want the experts on your team, book a 15-minute introductory call with Arch Collective, and let’s see how we can optimize your business’s growth.

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