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What I’ve Learned by Creating My YouTube Channel

Video marketing is top dog for growing your business right now, but wow, can it be tricky to pull off. Creating and running a YouTube channel is not without its pitfalls. I spent 4 hours – 4 hours – on a Friday working on new video content instead of winding down for the weekend. None of the footage was useable, which was due to the highly technical glitch of… a mic not being plugged in correctly.

It felt like I wasted so much time, money and my personal energy for nothing. However, I’m turning this into a learning moment – not just for me, but for anyone else building and growing their video presence online. With that in mind, here are my reflections on all the things I have learned about video marketing and creation so far while working on my YouTube channel… no doubt there will be more to come in future blogs!

Check Your Mic is Working

It makes sense to start with the example I cited above – always check your microphone and any other piece of equipment you’re using is working correctly! Plug it in, do a test before every video, and avoid the frustration of wasted time and effort.  Now when I record, I always do a microphone and video check to make sure both the audio and video work properly – and sound great too.  That extra 5 minutes or so saves me from a repeat offense of a wasted 4 hours

Get Your Script Right

When it comes to video marketing and creation, writing a script isn’t everything. How you read and how you speak are rarely the same thing! You might have a script that sounds awesome on paper but comes off awkward or clunky when you read it out loud. Write it, read it out loud, and edit it accordingly before you start recording. If you try editing during the recording process, you may end up sounding stilted, unnatural, and spending way too much time doing a single video.

Top tip: Eliminate words or phrases that you find difficult to say. There are always alternatives!

Choose a Style

How you look on your video is important because video marketing creates an impression of you as a professional. Choose your outfit ahead of time, and any stylings for the video such as props and the area you’re using to film. This is particularly important if you’re planning to do several videos in one day then release them over a period of weeks. You’ll want different outfits for each video, so sort them out beforehand and change quickly rather than spending your recording time agonizing over the right look!

I lay out all of my required clothes and accessories the day before, which means it only takes me 5 minutes or less to get ready for each video.

Be Creative

It can get exhausting talking about the same topic over and over. Your audience won’t appreciate it either. If I have an idea for a video, even if it seems a little silly or out of the box, I’ll give it a shot. You’re building a library of content, so it’s worth trying new ideas and noting the response from your audience – good or bad!

Top tip: Consider creating “how to” videos or tutorials on subjects you’re an expert in. YouTube users are three times more likely to search for the info they need on YouTube than read an instruction manual or book!

Respond to Comments

Engaging with commenters is a great way to build your audience and keep them coming back for more. I try to respond to every comment, except for any lewd or rude ones. There’s no rule that says you have to accept bad behavior on your channel.

Final Word

70% of businesses state that video marketing boosts their brand awareness, so it’s definitely worth investing the time and effort in building and maintaining your YouTube channel. Follow my tips above, and don’t fall into the same traps I have – learn from my mistakes!

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