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Exploring the Benefits of Video Podcasts in B2B Marketing

What is a video podcast? Well, think of your favorite podcast. Now imagine watching as the hosts record it, seeing the speakers, and getting a front-row seat to how they react to different questions and talking points.

Sounds good, right? You’re not the only one who thinks so, and B2B companies are starting to take advantage of this relatively new video marketing opportunity.

How Video Podcasts Beat Other Formats

The traditional podcast is already pretty accessible, but video makes it even more so. You can add subtitles to expand your audience. There’s the option to add links in the description but also on screen. Other top benefits of video podcasts include:

  • Video content is highly shareable.

  • You can create a video and audio podcast simultaneously.

  • Your audience gets to put a human face to your company.

  • Videos create more engagement and emotional connections with your audience.

The ability to share your video across all your social media channels greatly enhances your chances to reach new audience segments.

Creating Content Viewers Want to Watch

So, what should you show on your channel? B2B video podcast topics could include:

  • An interview with your founder or leaders from other B2B businesses.

  • Q&A with industry experts.

  • Examination of a hot industry topic, e.g., a PropTech podcast could explore the recent NAR settlement news.

  • A “get to know you” style podcast with employees, partners, or industry authorities.

  • Educational topics — an ideal starting point for solo entrepreneurs looking to attract an audience.

Of course, you probably have other content that already gets good traction. In which case…

Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose

Podcast content is the marketing gift that keeps giving. You can reduce the time spent on content creation overall by reusing and repurposing your video podcasts:

  • Take a meaningful quote and pair it with a graphic for Instagram.

  • Use snippets of the video on YouTube shorts and TikTok.

  • Cut longer snips for IG Reels and Facebook videos.

  • Create a blog based on topics that come up on the podcast.

  • Alternatively, edit the YouTube transcript into a blog.

  • Take key facts and figures from a video podcast and create a shareable infographic.

When you share your repurposed content, make sure you tag all the original contributors. This has the dual impact of letting them know you appreciate their time and extending your reach to their audience.

Final Word

Starting a video podcast can be as simple as setting up a couple of mics and a camera in a room without too much background noise. Do a couple of test runs to check the audio and video quality is good, then reach out to people you know would be happy to get involved. Once you gain some traction, you’ll find that other B2B thought leaders and founders will be keen to get involved. Last year there were 50,000 video podcasts out there, up from 39,000 the year before, so jump on this popular trend.

For more tech startup B2B marketing support, book a 15-minute discovery call with Arch Collective, and let’s see how we can help you grow.

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