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What Is Marketing?

Merriam-Webster defines marketing as "…the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service." Yet when you're running a tech startup, you need to explore facets beyond simply promoting your solution. Startup marketing becomes about creating brand recognition, positioning yourself as a trusted resource within your market, and creating meaningful partnerships.

Marketing aims to attract the attention of service users, buyers, and investors and achieves this via careful planning, messaging, and collaboration.

Marketing Your Product or Service

One aspect of startup marketing is direct marketing for a particular product or service. Marketing first went beyond billboards and flyers in 1922, when a real estate company paid a radio station to air an advertisement. TV advertisements followed just less than two decades later, and the world's first-ever TV ad was for a watchmaking company called Bulova.

Today, of course, companies have more channels than ever with which to engage potential fans of their products and services. Videos of product demos or influencers using your app or platform can spread across Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok, linking back to your website's product pages or connecting leads to sales reps. 

Marketing Your Brand

Startup marketing is also about curating and presenting your brand. Branding has been going on since the ancient Greeks were hollering about the latest wine shipments in the streets, but the concept of the brand name has probably only been around since the 19th century

Today, brand messaging and management largely revolve around creating a unique personality that buyers want to engage with. Products and services might change with shifting marketing trends, but a consistent brand creates lasting client relationships. If you want to understand brand messaging in more detail, sign up for our course, specifically created for founders, entrepreneurs, and pro-marketers. 

Marketing Across Multiple Channels

We don't need to tell savvy tech entrepreneurs that so many opportunities are available beyond traditional startup marketing channels. Don't discount tried and tested methods like email marketing, which offers a potential ROI of $36 per $1 invested.

However, plenty of companies are finding traction by utilizing newer platforms and techniques, including:

  • TikTok—stats suggest that short-form video is the most engaging form of visual media, and companies like Shopify are taking advantage of that.

  • Influencer marketing—B2B tech startups could capitalize on influential leaders within their industry who are happy to promote their services.

  • Repurposing blog content—if you've got a blog that's gained some traction, take a snippet, put it with a great visual, and post it on Instagram. Record yourself reading a small section and pair it with a slideshow or video of your product at work. 

It's possible to build an omnichannel marketing strategy with the potential to reach more leads than ever for less investment than you might think.

Final Word

We know startup marketing, so talk to us about getting your products or services in front of the right people. Book your 15-minute introductory call to learn more.

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