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What the F**k? Why the Holidays Aren’t So Happy for B2B Marketers This Year

This year has been anything but normal. Brands and companies of all shapes and sizes have had to pivot and adjust their marketing and communication strategies as the world is experiencing one challenge after another.

And this holiday season, the typical marketing playbook is getting thrown out. The standard marketing campaigns, holiday social posts, and season’s greetings emails won’t cut it. As we’re zeroing in on the end of 2020, marketers have had to deal with the following obstacles:

An Election That Feels Never-ending

The 2020 election cycle has certainly occupied the minds and hearts of many people, not only in the US but around the world. Many of us have been distracted by the 24/7 access to “breaking news,” CNN notifications, and daily emails from political organizations that we have donated to.

Unfortunately the election distractions may remain constant because calls on behalf of political organizations and charities are permitted even if you have placed your number on the Do Not Call registry. You may be aware of the outreach policies in place for companies in the private sector. Those same policies don’t apply to political messages. This means your audience may continue to be bombarded with election messages, making it even harder for your company to stand out

As a B2B marketer, it’s been difficult to cut through the election noise. Marketers have had to consider a whole new set of potential distractions that could be keeping the attention of our audiences.

Unusual Holiday Break Schedules

Any experienced B2B marketer will tell you to not launch a new campaign during the week of Thanksgiving. Most professionals start to drop offline starting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and nearly everyone is out the Friday after. Case-in-point, no new B2B campaigns during Thanksgiving.

However, with so many people working from home and so few people traveling during this holiday season, is there an opportunity to communicate with your audience during the holidays? If people are stuck and home, not traveling, and not seeing family, perhaps it’s a time to catch up on industry news and trends?

The typical holiday break and time off schedules that we all have abided by in years past doesn’t really apply in 2020. Marketers rely on historical data when making campaign decisions. They lean into what has resonated with their audiences in previous years. But this year is a whole new ball game. Marketers have been left wondering, “Are people working right now? When are people taking time off this year? Is there an opportunity to get in front of prospects while they’re at home?”

COVID Fatigue

There is no question that the pandemic has upended how many of us conduct business across nearly every industry. Everyone is doing their best to adjust to the new normal in their workplaces. And with all of the changes and hardships that many have faced this year, some are flat out tired of hearing from the brands and companies they interact with. The holidays are normally filled with joy, fun parties and family get-togethers. That simply isn’t happening this year.

Marketers must be sensitive to what their audiences have experienced this year and recognize that it may not be the right time to reach out. 

PTO: If You Don’t Use it, You Lose It 

With restrictions on traveling throughout 2020, many professionals canceled their vacation plans and continued to work. As we get closer to the end of 2020, people are starting to take those vacation days early because of the “if you don’t use it, you lose it” vacation policies. Now, marketers are wondering if people are working or online. Is everyone just taking December off?

Those are all big challenges but it’s not all gloom and doom. The good news? Keep reading below.

Demonstrate Your Brand Values

Review the goals your company established at the beginning of 2020 and see where your company’s values come into play. Right now is a great time to establish (or re-visit) your brand values – your company’s promise and legacy. Infuse your brand values across your company’s digital properties – your website, email campaigns, and social media. Demonstrate how your company upholds your values when working with customers, hiring employees, and being a member of your local community.

Voice of Client is More Important Than Ever

Hop on Zoom to meet with your customers one-on-one to learn about the challenges their businesses and employees have faced in 2020. Hear how your products or services have helped them this year. Unpack what worked and didn’t work this year and what their plans are in 2021. Your clients present an awesome opportunity for your 2021 marketing strategies. Use the data you collect from Voice of Client research to inform your messaging, your digital campaigns, and your product roadmap. Learning into the needs of your customers is more important than ever.

Give Thanks

Lastly, recognize that this year has been tough on everyone. A lot of companies have gone out of business and people have lost jobs. Maybe your organization had to lay people off so your current employees are responsible for a lot more. Give thanks to your customers, employees, families, and friends. Remember to be grateful for the people that have gotten you through 2020. Reflect on everything you have and the people who have helped you get there. Know that it’s not always what you say but how you say it that will make the bigger impact this year.

The team at Arch Collective wants to thank our awesome clients and members of the Collective.

Thank you!! We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season!