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Leveraging YouTube for B2B Marketing: Strategies that Work

What online channels are you utilizing for your digital marketing efforts? If you thought YouTube was just for B2C sellers, think again. It’s currently the third most effective platform for B2B marketing, just behind Facebook and Instagram.

Gaining success from YouTube isn’t necessarily intuitive, which is why I’ve pulled together this mini-guide to creating a YouTube marketing strategy that works.

Engage via Education

People don’t head to YouTube to watch the ads. In fact, most people skip them — around 65% of YouTube viewers will skip ads where possible. Don’t make the mistake of posting videos that are essentially a lengthy advertisement for your firm.

So, what do people want from YouTube? Largely, entertainment and education. Tutorials, how-to videos, guides, and explainers are wildly popular. You can start by showing people how your product or service works, for sure. But how about sharing some industry knowledge, or top tips that you know from your experience with tech?

You could even start a regular video podcast discussing hot topics. Industry experts expect this format to increase in popularity throughout 2024.

My most-watched video is a quick explainer on Seed Funding vs. Series A Funding. When people want to learn from the experts, they head to YouTube, so take advantage of that.

Optimizing Your YouTube Strategy

Here are my quick tips for building a winning YouTube B2B marketing strategy:

Repurpose existing content — a blog that got thousands of hits is prime content for a video.

  • Partner with other tech startups and founders — invite them onto your channel and exchange space to share each other’s views and news.

  • Plan, plan, plan — get a content calendar together, make time to create and post videos, and ensure you post consistently. Once every second Thursday is better than 20 videos dropped once every six months.

  • Be yourself — viewers want authenticity and sincerity. Forget about trying to sell, and just focus on the purpose of the video, whether that’s entertainment or education.

Speak on what you know about and what you’re passionate about. That’s the best way to gain the trust of your audience. Helping tech startups grow and succeed is my passion, which is why this video is another of my most-watched.

Analyzing Your B2B YouTube ROI

ROI means figuring out how much something costs and what you get out of it. YouTube marketing professionals can analyze tons of data, from views, shares, and subscribers, to leads that come in off the back of a YouTube video.

You can, of course, make many YouTube videos for free. In those instances, the main investment you have to consider is time. Is making YouTube videos taking you away from other business-critical tasks? Then rethink your time and content calendar to ensure you’re still gaining ROI from your efforts.

Final Word

YouTube marketing has so much potential for tech startups. You can cement your position as an industry authority and reach a whole new audience. If you want to learn more about getting your products or services out to the right people, book a 15-minute discovery call with Arch Collective.

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