The Evolution of B2B Social Media Marketing

A TikTok emblem on a smartphone held against a blue, white, and red background highlighting the evolution of social media marketing.

Social media is a great way for businesses to connect to other businesses. No longer solely the realm of B2C providers, these stats show how B2B companies are claiming their place:

  • LinkedIn is a top choice, with 17% of B2B marketers investing highly here.

  • TikTok and Discord are attracting B2B marketers, with 53% and 46% (respectively) planning to invest more in these platforms.

  • Facebook and Instagram both provide high ROI, with 29% of B2B marketers achieving excellent results on each platform.

  • Around 46% of B2B marketers now work with social media influencers.

  • Of those, 61% prefer micro-influencers with a more targeted reach.

How has the changing face of social media impacted the ways businesses market to each other?

New Features and Platforms

Social media platforms have always welcomed businesses that wanted to make a home there. However, these days, they’re actively encouraging it. Instagram now has a whole section of its website dedicated to IG business users. They also offer ways for firms to connect to influencers and vice versa.

TikTok Business offers pay-per-click (PPC) ads plus highly focused targeting that promises to attract leads and boost sales. Facebook also offers PPC plus a range of other business features like paid memberships, groups, and in-stream ads for Facebook Live.

LinkedIn has always been a good place to meet other business leaders, but now it uses AI as part of its process to suggest relevant content and connections.

Discord is a relatively new messaging service that allows users to build communities, interact with each other, and share news. How can B2B companies leverage this? You could invite prospective partners or investors to join a Discord server set up for company news. Or, you could create a server solely for industry-specific updates, positioning yourself as a trusted authority in your market.

B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies That Work

Repurpose one piece of content in seven ways: Turn a high-performing blog into an IG Reel, a YouTube Short, a TikTok, an infographic, a LinkedIn article, a snappy Tweet, and an FB post sharing links to any one of those.

Get your team involved: Research shows that employee-generated content can gain more engagement than company-generated posts. Encourage employees to share stories about working for you, actions they take in the community, or even funny anecdotes.

Save a great quote: If a customer leaves a stellar review or someone prominent shares a line from one of your articles, snip it and share it. Social experts Hootsuite predict that text posts, particularly on Twitter (X), will make a big comeback over the next year.

Balance story-telling content with paid ads: Both can provide excellent ROI, so work with your marketing experts to understand where to focus time and investment.

Inspiring B2B Social Media Campaigns

HubSpot used LinkedIn to reach marketers directly, offering relevant services via sponsored content. They achieved 400% growth in leads from that target audience.

Tech giant HP now has over a million “likes” on TikTok. Their secret? Creating trending hashtags like #HPRadicalReuse, aimed at raising awareness of reducing plastic waste.

Moving into AgriTech, John Deere updated its 19th-century magazine “The Furrow” for the digital age. Advertising that and other schemes like their Junior Club aimed at kids has netted them 5.2 million followers on Facebook. A great example of knowing your target audience.

Final Word

Social media will continue to evolve and savvy businesses should always be ready to try something new. If you want to learn more about getting your tech startup seen on the channels that matter, book a 15-minute discovery call with Arch Collective, and let’s connect you to one of our marketing experts.

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