The Dos and Don’ts of Email Nurture

A lone seedling in a barren desert shows the importance of lead nurturing email marketing campaigns.

Lead nurturing is essential for acquiring new business. It takes time, patience, and a range of marketing methods.

Email marketing is by far one of the most effective channels, with a potential ROI of $36 for every $1 invested.  But, as in all aspects of marketing, there are “do”s and “don’t”s to make it even more effective.


Integrate these tips into your email nurture campaign to drive more leads.

Show Your Value

Email marketing isn’t just about diving into a sales pitch. Ensure you include valuable content that addresses a known pain point in some way. This could be an educational blog, an industry-specific whitepaper, or resources only available to those who sign up for a newsletter subscription or free trial.

Show Your Personality

Email use is constantly increasing. Globally, the number of emails sent annually is expected to increase by almost 30 billion by 2025. To succeed, your emails cannot be a carbon copy of everything else out there. Use your company values, story, and brand messaging framework to inject personality into your emails.

Show Your Marketing Savvy

As well as letting your personality shine through, keep on top of the latest marketing trends to maximize the potential of your campaigns. For example, HubSpot reports that embedding video content in emails could increase clickthrough rate by 300%. Incorporating that tip into your own email marketing strategy has the win-win effect of highlighting your business acumen as well as attracting more leads.


It’s always useful to know what doesn’t work for lead nurturing with email marketing, so you can learn from others’ mistakes!


Haven’t heard from a lead you’re sure was going to convert? Avoid the temptation to send a string of inquiring emails. This comes across as pestering or even harassment, and damages your brand.

Copy and Paste

Templates are great as a basis for email marketing, but when you start copying and pasting information en masse, you can end up making some costly errors. Incorrect personal details, misgendering, and referring to products or services the lead has already declined interest in can all drive business to your competitors.

Set It And Forget It

If you’re using automation to follow through on your lead nurturing workflows, it’s easy to neglect any follow-up. However, if you constantly check in with the effectiveness of your email nurture campaign, you can tweak it until it reaches maximum effectiveness.

Final Word

Newsletters are the most popular lead nurturing email marketing strategy, with 81% of marketers focusing their efforts here. Pack yours with plenty of industry-relevant, valuable content to entice your readers and make your emails a welcome arrival rather than another relegation to the spam folder. Book a 15-minute introductory call and speak to a marketing expert at Arch Collective that can help refocus your marketing efforts for consistent growth.

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