How a Fractional CMO Is Different From a Marketing Agency

Amanda and her team jumping in the air with hands up in front of a warehouse.

Marketing is a critical part of every business, regardless of industry. Tech companies are no exception. While founders are often highly product-focused and may excel at building connections with other thought leaders in their field, a marketing expert knows how to get that product in front of investors and stakeholders who can help take the company to the next level. But why are so many savvy startups choosing to work with a fractional CMO (chief marketing officer) rather than a traditional marketing agency? It turns out there are plenty of great reasons, all culminating in potentially better successes and business growth.

Putting the Hours In

Marketing agencies are packed with marketing professionals all usually working with multiple companies, with multiple goals and a range of tasks to complete. Even the most dedicated agency staff might check in with each client for one, maybe two hours each week. Of course, they’re still working away even when they’re not in direct contact with their clients. However, the valuable one-on-one time that fosters the best insights and ideas is often sadly lacking in these types of agency relationships.

A fractional CMO takes a very different approach to liaising with your company. They will work directly with your own internal marketing team if you have one, or other team members who have had direct input into previous marketing strategies or branding. The fractional CMO will also spend time interacting with executives and other key employees, encouraging collaboration and creativity. This makes the work on deliverables that much more impactful.

Being Part of the Team

As we’ve already seen, rather than being a faceless agency employee on the end of a phone or email chain, the fractional CMO very much becomes a part of your team. In essence, they are more like a part-time employee than a freelancer, coming in and being a part of important project sessions, board meetings, and even meeting with stakeholders where appropriate. Your fractional executive is just that: a part of your executive team, a C-suite member who is only there as long as you need them, but just as dedicated as the rest of the team and highly driven to deliver the best results.

Managing Results — And Employees

Those results include making sure your existing team continues to deliver after the CMO has moved on. Part of this might include working with your existing marketing professionals to empower them to excel. A fractional CMO won’t shy away from those tough conversations with employees who simply aren’t performing — which can sometimes be difficult for a small company that’s grown together. A freelance executive has an entirely objective view, and everything they do is for the betterment of your business. That includes honing the best talent and growing your marketing team to be the best that it can be.

Financial Wins

Of course, the primary reason most startups or established businesses bring a fractional CMO on board is to take advantage of the financial benefits. One aspect of this is an executive that can create a realistic and workable annual budget, with complete clarity for all stakeholders and clear benefits from every outlay and investment. Beyond managing where the money goes, freelance executives drive income growth and overall growth of the business in terms of brand reputation, stakeholder engagement, and investment opportunities.

Marketing agencies tend to be inefficiently priced in comparison to freelance executives. They may have a set price regardless of the services you need, and will rarely if ever offer the intense level of highly measurable deliverables you gain from an experienced fractional CMO. For nearly every company, especially in the tech sector, a fractional marketing expert is a better value proposition than an agency.

Final Word

Working with a fractional CMO means gaining a temporary team member who will be as determined to see your company succeed as you are — if not more so! They will provide you with marketing insights and experience from a wealth of industries, and help your business grow and gain the attention it needs to attract investors for your next round of funding — or perhaps even possible buyers, if you are in the market for acquisition.

Find out more about the benefits of a fractional CMO by booking a 15-minute introductory call with the friendly team at Arch Collective. We’ll talk to you about your company, your industry, and how we can best support you to take the next step on your business’s journey.

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