How Not To Mess Up Your Startup Messaging

A paper airplane graphic on a white brick wall indicates the importance of startup messaging.

Messaging means what your brand, product, or service says about you as a company and how it connects with your target audience. Companies that get their messaging strategy right become intrinsically associated with the types of products they sell. 

Just think about any product category, and we bet you've got a top brand that comes to mind. For soda, it might be Coke. For productivity apps, it might be Monday or Asana. That's where you want to be: Linked so closely to what you do that your brand name becomes synonymous with it. 

Getting your messaging right could set you on a fast track to permanent brand recognition. Here's how not to mess it up.

Define Why Your Product or Service Needs to Exist

You know why your tech offering is such a great idea. You believe in it. You have to let that passion for what you're doing drive your messaging because, without it, no one else will believe in it as much as you do.

What does your product/service do that no one else can? What sort of impact is your company making in local or wider communities? How are you fixing problems for other businesses? Work the facts of what your business does into engaging statements or visuals that you're happy to be associated with your organization for a long time to come. The first step to achieving this is building your brand messaging framework.

Create a Great Messaging Framework

What goes into a brand messaging framework? You might want to consider the following:

  • Your company values

  • Goals and vision

  • Elevator pitch

  • Your mission statement

  • Market differentiators

These allow you to create the pillars of your branding, to highlight what you stand for as a company so you can communicate it effectively to others.     

Tech Companies That Got Messaging Right

GE has cemented itself as a science-backed brand thanks to its use of Pinterest. From comedy "Hey Girl" boards featuring Thomas Edison to #6SecondScienceFair experiment pins, their consistent messaging gets them over 160K views every month.

Apple CEO Tim Cook states that their brand is about products and people and constantly asks: Do these products enrich people's lives? That attitude drives this multi-billion-dollar tech giant that generated over $394 billion in 2022. 

Final Word

Brand messaging is so much simpler when you understand the fundamentals. That's why Arch Collective put together the Startup Brand Messaging 101 Course to guide you through ways to drive real growth with your brand. Click the link to get started or book a 15-minute introductory call and see how else we can support the success of your tech venture.

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