ONE-MINUTE Marketing Habits to Grow Your Startup

An analog clock face with a prominent red second-hand highlights the importance of one-minute marketing habits.

Your tech startup wants to make a difference to the world, but how do you actually achieve that? By utilizing marketing techniques that extend your reach to as many potential users as possible. Change the way you work by embracing these marketing habits and transform every action into an opportunity for growth.

Check Every Action Against Your Goals

This might sound obvious, but it’s easy to stop seeing the wood for the trees. Posting daily on social media or updating email marketing campaigns is fruitless, unless you ensure your efforts are aligned with your marketing and business goals. Take a few seconds to check in every day and ensure every task is aimed at your target market.

Make Sure All Communication Delivers the Right Message

How can you achieve this? With a structured messaging framework, you can quickly refer back to time and again. A quick check that everything from blogs to social posts is in line with your messaging framework can ensure you build a consistent, recognizable brand.

Create Social Media Snippets from Your Long-Form Content

If you have a popular blog or a highly respected whitepaper, use it as much as you can. Take snippets, stats, or figures and create Instagram posts, infographics, or even add them into your marketing emails. This helps your top content reach a much wider audience and helps generate leads without generating tons of new content.

Conduct Voice of Client Calls

Voice of Client or VOC calls can become the heart and soul of your tech startup marketing. Speak with your clients with the intention of listening to their feedback and genuinely learning from them. Their needs are your business! Setting up a call should only take a minute and the impact can transform the way you deliver your product or service to multiple target audiences. Considering over 40% of businesses fail to gather feedback from clients and customers, this is one marketing habit that’s definitely worth developing.

Another quick marketing hack: Use the information you glean from your clients for social media content or blog topic ideas.

Check-In with Your Marketing Experts

Whether you have an in-house marketing team or work with contractors or a fractional CMO, make sure you keep an open dialogue with them. Be prepared to take constructive criticism and pivot to adapt to changing markets and demands.

Final Word

Getting your marketing and messaging in order is easier when you have help from experienced professionals. If you don’t have anyone overseeing your tech startup marketing efforts, book a 15-minute introductory call with Arch Collective and see how we can help. Our fractional CMO works with early-stage tech startups just like yours and can help you switch up your marketing habits for long-term growth.

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