Easy Tricks To Make Your Pricing Page Convert Like Crazy

Getting B2B buyers to commit to a sale right now can be like knitting fog. They've got all sorts of questions. They might need to run things past a secondary decision-maker. They want to check out the competition. Yet it is possible to get orders fast with a carefully designed pricing page. Pricing page conversion requires CTAs that immediately show the value your solution will provide. How can you achieve that in one simple webpage?

PAS: Pain, Agitation, Solution

Marketing 101: All buyers require you to identify a problem they have, explain why that problem needs fixing soon, and show them a solution. Your tech offering might be an amazing proptech solution for linking landlords to insurance products. Your content marketing campaigns or email nurture campaigns should revolve around why users need this platform. Do you have stats showing how much time landlords spend searching for insurance? Can you give testimonials that highlight real-world benefits?

These are your first steps towards creating relationships with your leads. Once they reach your pricing page, they already understand generally what you offer. Now it's time to hit them with the specifics.

Craft Your CTA

Pricing page conversion works because it provides several calls to action (CTAs) that each suit different types of customers. 

CTA no-nos

  • "Sign up here"—What are they signing up for? A trial? A paying product? Make sure your language is clear.

  • "Basic plan"—For tech products, B2B buyers might be discouraged by the implication that something is basic.

  • More than 3-5 options—Don't confuse leads with too many choices.

CTA wins

  • Put higher price plans first—After reading your highest price, lower price plans will feel like a bargain.

  • Keep feature lists short and snappy—Too much information here could cause buyers to click away.

  • Remove other text and links—These distract from the buying process.

Pricing page conversion is easier with clean and uncluttered pages. On that note…

Design Matters

It's true. Even the color of your "buy now" buttons can determine whether leads convert. For example, red buttons could boost conversion rates by between 21% and 34%. 

Ever wondered why so many pricing pages have horizontal columns? It's because buyers literally want to see their options side by side. That's why you must keep your product/service options clear and focused.

HubSpot reports that websites are the second most used marketing channel after social media, and they cite clear lead flows and CTAs as driving forces for increasing conversions. 

Final Word

Designing a pricing page that converts is just one part of a diverse and effective startup marketing strategy. Come and talk to us to learn more about getting your tech offering on the map: Book a 15-minute introductory call and tell us about your project, and we'll match you up with the right marketing expert to get you noticed.

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