Seven Reasons to Hire a Marketing Freelancer

A person working on a laptop writing a blog.

Hiring a marketing consultant is becoming more and more popular as businesses realize they need an edge in ever-more congested markets. Freelance executives like fractional CMOs are an ideal contract hire, because they’re completely driven to help businesses, particularly startups, achieve aggressive growth. Of course, many businesses have their own in-house marketing teams, so what’s the benefit of hiring a freelancer to take over your business marketing strategy?

1. A freelance CMO is likely to have worked with dozens of similar companies

Your fractional CMO is freelance and not tied to one company. That means they have experience across various industries, ventures, and startups, just like yours. They will have proven success in helping these businesses achieve growth and market their products in a sustainable way, and will be able to provide you with numerous examples of delighted clients.

2. A fractional CMO brings experience from other industries

Disruptive technologies don’t exist in a vacuum. InsurTech uses many of the same emerging technologies as FinTech, and PropTech uses services from both those industries, creating a holistic yet competitive market environment. Freelance marketing consultants often work within many of these industries, picking up knowledge and experience of various methods and techniques that could work well for your business – even if those methods come from a different industry. Including a fractional CMO as part of your marketing strategy could bring the innovation you need that sets you apart from your competitors.

3. Hiring a freelancer is a scalable cost

When you hire a full-time, salaried marketing expert, you are committed to providing that hire with full pay and benefits, even in times when you might not need their full services. Freelancers often offer scalable propositions, allowing you to properly compensate them for the services they provide, whilst ensuring you’re never paying for a service you’re not actually receiving.

4. Freelancers bring an external perspective

Running your business every day means it’s possible to lose sight of external factors such as changes in the market, shifting consumer perceptions, and even your own company's reputation. A fractional CMO has no bias and brings a fresh perspective, coming at your marketing strategy with a broad view of all the factors that can affect it.  

5. A fractional CMO is highly motivated for you to succeed

The phrase “a rising tide lifts all boats” may have economic roots, but it doesn’t always apply in the competitive world of business. However, this praise is very apt for your relationship with your fractional CMO. Your CMO’s reputation is hinged upon your success as a business, because that’s how they will attract more clients in need of their highly specialized services. Because of that, you know that they will do everything they can to hone your marketing campaigns and get your products or services in front of the right audience.

6. Freelancers can make you more efficient

A freelance marketing consultant has one job – to use the most effective marketing techniques and strategies to help your business grow. Because this is all they do, they’re extremely efficient at it and will ensure your growth is faster and more demonstrable to stakeholders and investors than if you go it alone. Expect some of those efficiency techniques to rub off on the rest of your business strategy, too. After all, as a member of your team, you’ll learn from each other every day.

7. A fractional CMO is a part of your team as long as you need them

In our previous article on fractional CMO best practices, we talked about treating a freelance marketing expert exactly the same as you would if they were your full-time CMO. That allows you to get the best out of them, by keeping them updated and well-informed so they can provide the best advice. But your relationship with a freelance CMO goes beyond that. You can hire a marketing consultant to have a long-term partnership with, or you can choose to have them on hand only when you have major marketing campaigns to push. You can return to the same freelancer again and again, building a strong relationship that carries your business forward in line with your corporate goals.

Final Word

Bringing in a freelancer means hiring a highly qualified marketing executive who has the benefit of a completely outside perspective and extreme motivation to help your business grow. As a member of your executive team, they’ll ensure everything is done in line with your corporate values and goals, and will help you demonstrate to potential investors current and predicted growth guaranteed to get you through your next rounds of funding.

Talk to Arch Collective about hiring the right fractional CMO for your business today. Book a 15-minute introductory call with our friendly team who will connect you to the right freelancer for your industry.

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