7 Marketing Tips for Tech Startups

A jar with the word "tip" written on it in black pen to symbolise tips for tech startups.

Here at Arch Collective, we love to see businesses succeed. It’s literally our bread and butter, and we support tech startups in fintech, proptech, insurtech, and beyond to get to the next stage of funding, or even attract buyers if they’re in the market for acquisition. We recently shared our best marketing practices for startups, which you should go read if you haven’t already. On the back of that, we’ve pulled together 7 top marketing tips for tech startups to help you hone your branding strategy and get ahead in these ever-more-crowded markets.

1. Explore Available Marketing Stats

Follow respected outlets for marketing news, especially those connected to your own industry. Plenty of companies love to share stats as it boosts their own credibility and SEO — check out CRM suppliers HubSpot or content ezine ContentGrip for examples. These will help you and your marketing teams understand the emerging and continuing trends in your industry and adjacent markets. More important than this is our next step…

2. Make the Most of Your Own Data

Other people’s stats are great, but nothing matters more to your business than your own data. Make sure you have digital solutions like data integration platforms or a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution to grab your data from all relevant sources, from social media to your email marketing campaigns. This is one of the best ways to discover what’s working for you and what needs tweaking to make your products click with consumers or potential investors. Plus, it helps you build better relationships with customers and other stakeholders by really understanding their needs and pain points.

3. Be Local as Well as Global

Many successful businesses are active and visible in their local area, whether that’s a big city or a small neighborhood. In the UK, Nike found success with their “Nothing Beats a Londoner” campaign, focusing on young sportspeople in the capital city. In Malaysia, Ikea used wordplay based on local dialects. Tech companies could take notes, sharing their relevance with users in their local communities to increase their global appeal.

4. Research, Research, Research

We already touched on maximizing your various data sources, but go beyond this and do some hefty research into what your target audience actually needs. As a tech innovator, you probably already have a great idea for a product or service that will make your users’ lives easier. But researching helps you hone that, perfecting it to really solve your customers’ problems and become an invaluable part of their daily routine. Insights show that 42% of SMBs fold because they’re trying to produce something there’s simply no market need for. Careful research and truly understanding your clients can help you avoid this pitfall.

5. Build Your Brand Message

We talk about brand messaging a lot here at Arch Collective, and that’s because we know that your company won’t succeed without one. Brand messaging needs to echo your company’s goals, visions, and the impact you want to make in the marketplace. It needs to be consistent and engaging, and draw both consumers and investors. Don’t leave branding until later; it should be a top priority from the outset of your business. Find out more by registering for this exclusive webinar on Brand Messaging — spaces are limited so don’t miss out. 

6. Get Social

We know that you know that you need to be active on social media. But have you researched just how big that impact can be? Users have access to seven social apps on average and may use them all every day. Facebook leads account for a quarter of digital spending worldwide — only just behind search engine giant Google. And 44% of Instagram users actively shop for products using the platform.

Don’t discount newer platforms, either. TikTok may have started out as a primarily music-based platform, but it’s now the fastest growing social media platform in the United States. Talk to a marketing expert about how to retain your brand image and message while taking advantage of the influx of users on newer social media apps and sites.

7. Hire an Expert

Startups often make the mistake of trying to do everything themselves, which isn’t feasible in any industry. Designing and building an amazing product is a full-time job. Add into that accounting, HR, and, of course, marketing, and focus starts to wear pretty thin, pretty fast. Invest in experienced marketing freelancers, such as a fractional CMO, to lead the marketing efforts from the top down, honing your strategies and supporting your existing teams to build a strong foundation for success.

Final Word

Arch Collective has a wealth of experience marketing and growing tech startups, getting them the funding they need and engaging the right stakeholders at the right time. If you want to get your products or services in front of the right people, book your 15-minute introductory call with our dedicated marketing team and get connected to the right freelancer for your industry.

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