Top 5 Questions to Ask BEFORE Creating a Brand Messaging Framework

A neon question mark at the end of a dark corridor showcases the importance of asking the right questions before creating a brand messaging framewo

Your startup’s brand messaging framework is the scaffolding on which all your communications are built. It’s the foundation of your brand voice and personality, helping you align your marketing goals with client pain points and keeping marketing professionals across your organization consistent.

However, if you didn’t stop to ask these questions before creating your messaging framework, your brand communication construction could start to crumble. Don’t worry — there’s still time to add this data and keep your messaging on point.

1. What’s Your Founder’s Story?

Storytelling is an essential aspect of marketing. There’s a common misconception that it’s not required in B2B marketing, but this simply isn’t the case. Mark Ritson of Marketing Week notes that “Almost every [B2C] marketing concept and approach is still relevant to B2B.” Leaving out your founder’s story removes a key piece of the puzzle that explains who your company is to potential clients. Let your founder (or you, if it’s your tech startup) explain their passions, their drive, and the steps that led them to where they are now.

2. How Will Your Company Change People’s Lives?

Your app, platform, or SaaS offering must offer your clients something new and different, so you need to ask how your ideal customer’s life will change once they start using your product or service. What’s the impact on their business? Answering these questions can drive much more sharply focused marketing messages.

3. What Makes Your Offering So Different?

When there are multiple providers for the type of service you offer, you must ask yourself what makes you the better option. Ultimately, that’s what B2B buyers are asking — and they have to justify their decisions to their finance teams. Define your core differentiators as early as possible.

4. Why Did You Create This Product/Service?

If you answered this question with “To make money,” you’re probably not telling the whole story. Every project starts with passion, so ensure yours shines through. Be transparent about your company’s goals and values and make them key factors of your messaging strategy.

5. What’s the Most Important Thing Anyone Needs to Know About Your Tech Offering?

If you could only tell a potential client one thing, what would that be? Perhaps it’s that your app satisfied 85% of users during beta testing. Or maybe it’s your company’s mission statement. If you can single out one message that offers invaluable information to your audience, you can create a brand messaging framework that prioritizes what’s important to your potential end users.

Final Word

The more times you can ask yourself (or your founders) “Why?”, the better. Your “Why” becomes your company values, and your mission statement, and it can even drive your unique value proposition (UVP). For guidance on creating a messaging strategy that truly sets you apart from the competition, book a free 15-minute introductory call with one of our marketing experts to find out how we can support your tech startup.

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