From Community to Collective: Fostering Growth Through Meaningful B2B Connections

Plenty of B2B businesses have groups or pages where clients can share their thoughts and interact. But do you have a genuine community? Here at Arch Collective, I’ve created the Collective Table, where clients, startup mavens, and industry experts come together to share insights, listen, and connect.

Via authentic conversation, we’re creating transformational opportunities for other B2B companies and professionals. Here’s how you can too.

Building the Right Community

The Collective Table was born out of a desire to channel open-hearted, open-minded attitudes into my professional life. My team and I provide a welcoming venue, delicious food, and conversation starters — plus a wealth of tech and marketing experience. Guests bring themselves and their ideas. We all go away richer in insight and motivation, with new professional connections.

Building your own community means asking yourself, who do you want at your table and why?

Creating Connections

Building connections with others means nurturing them as people. Within my own company, I’ve created a dedicated Slack channel to shout out achievers, show gratitude for actions, and give credit wherever it’s due.

Following my example, my team now praises each other — it’s not all just coming from the top. It’s a simple way to connect with your team and foster a more positive workplace culture.

Remembering What It’s All About

Very few people start a business just to make money. There’s usually a driving purpose behind it. It may simply be a passion for the products and services you offer. Or, there could be a deeper desire to make a change in the world.

It’s all too easy to let these motivations slide away when times are tough, as I’ve discovered in the past.

As recently as 2023, my business went through a period of upheaval. A full-time hire didn’t work out the way I wanted, and increasing client demands meant my attention was spread thin. Rather than letting this spiral, I got back to basics. I remembered my passion for creating a professional working community that empowers others, and refocused attention on that while ensuring clients’ needs were met.

The results have been astonishing. My business has grown and we recently held the first women-only Collective Table event to celebrate women in the startup space.

Final Word

B2B communities should be about finding people who help you grow and who benefit from your presence. Get the right people at your table and you could find yourself inspired and re-energized — and see your business grow.

The Collective Table is stopping in NYC and Chicago, IL later this year. Find out morehere.


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