Maximizing ROI: How Marketing Agencies Can Optimize Campaigns with Limited Budgets

Someone working at a laptop — only their arms and part of their body are visible and there is a credit card holder on the desk representing marketing on a budget.

Marketers on a limited budget, we feel your pain. There are always times when you’ve got to hit client goals but there just isn't that much money in the coffers. However, sometimes the smallest actions can have a big ROI.

Here are five ways you can optimize your marketing ROI without breaking the bank.

1. Leverage User Generated Content

Earned media is your friend. When someone comments on a branded post, you’re free to utilize that comment however you like. Testimonials, reviews, and shares are all types of user-generated content that you can repurpose as direct marketing materials. Top tip: If you gather client feedback via forms, create a tick box giving consent to use their comments. You can then use this feedback for marketing your agency.

2. Repurpose Existing Content

You don’t need to write the same piece of content 10 times. If you’ve got a comprehensive blog on a topic, use that content to create:

  1. Social media posts

  2. Infographics

  3. Photo captions

  4. LinkedIn posts

  5. Marketing emails and messages

One blog can become a drip campaign for lead generation or a whole series of social media posts.

3. Use AI-Powered Tools for Efficient Content Generation

AI-generated articles and blogs tend to sound “samey” and also, they still need a human editor to fact-check everything.

However, that doesn’t mean that AI can’t make your life easier as a marketer. Use AI to:

  • Generate blog ideas, headlines, or even outlines

  • Check your work for errors (e.g., tools like Grammarly and Hemingway)

  • Generate snippets for social media

  • Working more efficiently optimizes your content marketing budgets.

4. Focus on Smaller Audiences

Casting a wide net might seem like the best way to catch leads, but it’s expensive and often ineffective. Microtargeting is one method that helps you split your target audience into smaller segments more likely to engage with your tech offering.

Even if you don’t want to take your audience to the granular level, you should ensure you’ve got your ideal customer profiles (ICPs) in place. These define exactly who you’re targeting and why.

5. Get Expert Help

Just because you’ve got a limited budget doesn’t mean you shouldn’t outsource some of the more challenging aspects of marketing. An expert marketing audit can help show where you’re potentially hemorrhaging money and where you could retarget those funds for increased ROI.

Final Word

These are just some of the inexpensive ways marketers and agencies can make a big impact for their organization or their clients. If you want to know more, book a free 15-minute introductory call with the marketing experts at Arch Collective.

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